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A B O U T   G A M E M A N   A N D   C O M P A N  Y

30 years of teaching English to ESL students, from curious kindergarteners to seasoned executives including Sony, gives you plenty of insights into making learning impactful… and fun! Edward O’Coyne, creator of the Verbish and Prodish games, knew that lessons with visuals, quick recall and action bring energy to the classroom. Plus, learning tools with flexibility, that can be used from one language to another, are tough to find. So Edward set out and created the Verbish and Prodish games from Gameman & Co.


Gameman & Co. was launched by Edward, founder of the Edward’s House of English school established in Funabashi, Chiba in 1995. A US Navy veteran from Pennsylvania, with a degree from Portland State University, Edward was the first foreigner to pass the IIEEC course in Japan and began teaching conversational English to ESL students in 1990. He created his first card games 20 years ago and, with Verbish and Prodish, introduced games that do not feature words, or require reading. This makes Verbish and Prodish practical for students and teachers studying any language. Designer L. Abrams, a member of the Northwest Mountain Minority Supplier Development Council and a designer with work supporting many major global Northwest brands, is a partner in Gameman & Co.

O R D E R I N G   C A R D   S E T S
All Gameman card games are sold on
For information about Gameman, contact Edward O’Coyne:

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